College prep checklist for 6th - 8th graders & 9th graders (middle school high-school)

College Prep 9th Grade
To Do:
Take challenging classes in core academic subjects. Most colleges require four years of English, at least three years of social studies (history, civics, geography, economics, etc.) Three years of mathematics, and three years of science, and many require two years of a foreign language. Round out your course load with classes in computer science and the arts.
Ask your guidance counselor or teachers what Advanced Placement courses are available, whether you are eligible and how to enroll in the.
Use the U.S. Department of Labor’s career search tool to research your career options.
Start a list of your awards, honors, paid and volunteer work, and extracurricular activities. Whether you are eligible and how to enroll in them.
To Explore:
Check out KnowHow2Go: The Four Steps to College, which suggests some actions you can take as you start thinking about education beyond high school.
Parents List:
To Do:
Talk to your child about college plans as if he or she will definitely go to college.
Keep an eye on your child’s study habits and grades – stay involved.
Encourage your child to take Advanced Placement or other challenging classes.

What is the PSAT?​​
The PSAT/NMSQT or National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test is a preliminary version of the SAT. Not only does the PSAT help prepare students to take the SAT or ACT, A great score on the PSAT can also open the door to National Merit Scholarships and other awards. With $180 million in scholarships awarded to students that achieve high scores on the PSAT, how you perform on this exam can help you earn scholarship dollars that change the direction of your college planning. The PSAT is much more than a practice test.

Find out whether your child’s school has college nights or financial aid nights. Plan to attend those events with your child.
Help your child develop independence by encouraging him or her to take responsibility for balancing homework with any other activities or a part-time job.
Mentoring and Coaching
1. Career/Academic Planning
Choosing classes for specific careers
Job shadowing Help students identify internships
Staying knowledgeable about the industry/your craft.
2. Leadership Development
Time management
Working with people with different personalities and backgrounds
Public speaking
Conflict resolution
Identifying your personal leadership style
Becoming a lifelong learner.
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Ram D.
Temecula, CA
"Great service. Instead of worrying about all the financial stuff coming on to the school year, I was able to just focus on my education. They handled everything for me!"
Noemi L
We are happy with the services that Shelly Rufin has given us, it is very effective, when she interviews the student she realizes that she needs help to achieve her goals.....
Marlena M.
Shelly. Her systems are amazing! She really has her follow through down. She is organized, she studies, and knows all the standards, regulations and how to get financial aid.....