Graduating College-Bound High School Seniors

Student Center:
Help your child process college responses. Once your child starts hearing back from colleges about admission and financial aid, he or she will need your support to decide what to do. Read about how to choose a college.
Review financial aid offers together. Your 12th-grader will need your help to read through financial aid award letters and figure out which package works best. Be sure your child pays attention to and meets any deadlines for acceptance. Get more information on financial aid awards.
Help your child complete the paperwork to accept a college’s offer of admittance. Once your child has decided which college to attend, he or she will need to accept a college’s offer, mail a tuition deposit and submit other required paperwork. Learn more about your high school senior’s next steps.

To Do
Take challenging classes in core academic subjects. Most colleges require four years of English, at least three years of social studies (history, civics, geography, economics, etc.) Three years of mathematics, and three years of science, and many require two years of a foreign language. Round out your course load with classes in computer science and the arts.
Ask your guidance counselor or teachers what Advanced Placement courses are available, whether you are eligible and how to enroll in the.
Use the U.S. Department of Labor’s career search tool to research your career options.
Start a list of your awards, honors, paid and volunteer work, and extracurricular activities. Whether you are eligible and how to enroll in them.
To Explore:

Check out KnowHow2Go: The Four Steps to College, which suggests some actions you can take as you start thinking about education beyond high school.

Parents List:
To Do:
Talk to your child about college plans as if he or she will definitely go to college.
Keep an eye on your child’s study habits and grades – stay involved.
Encourage your child to take Advanced Placement or other challenging classes.
Your Path to SuccessView Success Stories From Our EDFIN Families
Salma S.
Temecula, CA
​EDFIN has been super helpful so far guiding me on my path to a good university. Shelly is always there to answer my questions and concerns about anything school related which is reassuring in such stressful times.
Jay V.
Temecula, CA
"Excellent services provided for college students, such as myself, who need assistance with the financial aspect of college. Their services include, and are not limited to, FAFSA applications to overlooking financial awards.....
Dawn S.
"Shelly was very helpful with me when I called to get information for a situation I had with my daughter who is a newer college student.....