By Shelly Rufin, MSHS
Educational Consultant
Harvard Business School
EDFIN College Planning
Serving families for three-decades
Hey there, Parent's and College-Bound Students! 🎓
🚀⏰ Trending Alert: FAFSA Deadlines Approaching Fast! 🚨
Don't let financial aid opportunities slip away! As crucial deadlines loom, take action NOW with EDFIN's FAFSA expertise:
1. 📞 Book Your FREE Discovery Call Today: Speak with our 32-year FAFSA Pro to maximize your financial aid potential and avoid missing out on crucial funding.
2. 📆 Stay Ahead of the Game: Keep up with FAFSA news, updates, and legislative changes at www.edfincollegeplanningexperts.com to ensure your application stands out from the crowd.
3. 🔍 Explore Our Resources: Dive into our blog, newsletter, and website for insider tips, tricks, and strategies to conquer the FAFSA process like a pro!
EDFIN College Planning is dedicated to your success, so don't wait – secure your financial aid future today! 💪🎓
Ready to level up? 🚀 Click below to start your FAFSA application now!
To your success,
Shelly Rufin, MSHS, MSCC, Dr. (Hn)
32-year FAFSA Pro
College Consultant
EDFIN College Planning
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