By Shelly Rufin, MSHS
Educational Consultant
Harvard Business School
EDFIN College Planning
Serving families for three-decades
Hey there, Parents and Students! 😊
Tired of drowning in never-ending college portal tasks? 😫
Let us lighten your load with our expert additional services, backed by 33 years of FAFSA wizardry!
🔮 From monitoring multiple universities to tackling requirements and deadlines, we'll handle the heavy lifting, so you can focus on crushing your goals! 🌟📈
Our Incredible Services:
1. Portal management for up to 20 universities 🏰
2. Savvy advice on meeting deadlines and requirements ⏰
3. Non-stop monitoring of holds and incompletes 🛠️
4.Smooth communication and progress updates 💌
Count on our proven expertise to transform your college journey into a stress-free, victorious ride!
🚀 Reach out today and discover your true potential! 🌟🎉
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